A friend of mine went on a recent trip to Mexico and was telling me about how their Coca-Cola is so much better than ours. I had to try for myself so I went to a market near home and found a bottle – which was delicious. I thought this was interesting seeing as Coke is an American company, I thought it would remain constant all over the world. As I did more research I found out that the headquarters in Atlanta only produce the concentrate, which is then sold to licensed Coke bottlers around the world who produce their own finished product. In many stores where Mexican Coke and American Coke are sold, the Mexican Coke is by far more popular. One store owner in Atlanta says he barely sells 5 cases a week while he sells 10-15 cases of the Mexican variety. The main reason for the popularity of Mexican Coke is the taste; while American Coke uses high-fructose corn syrup, Mexico uses real cane sugar. Immigrants almost always favor the Mexican product because it gives them a taste of nostalgia when they are so far from home. Also the way the product is packaged – in “its retro green-tinted contour glass bottles have also caught on among some baby boomers, who can recall a time when their cola was made with sugar – before rising costs drove U.S. bottlers to switch to corn syrup in the 1980s.” Even though many consumers prefer Mexican Coke, the amount that is sold in the United States is nothing compared to American Coke. Still, the American bottlers don’t get any profits from the Mexican Coke and in turn, they believe it infringes on their “territory rights.” I think American bottlers should go back to using real sugar when bottling their coke because I’m sure Americans, or at least me, are willing to pay a little more for a better product. I understand that a promise to pay more is not reassuring to the companies who really can’t afford more expensive materials, but I’m sure if they do a test run where they produce their product with sugar, they will see how much more popular Coke will become. J
It's super interesting that coke really is a transnational brand. I mean it's a recognizable symbol everywhere. Yet, at the same time coke clearly has very different connotations in each society. You mentioned that for many Mexican immigrants, drinking 'Mexican' coke brings back memories of home. THis partly addresses the issue that not only is coke an international brand, it is also highly regionalized based on taste, packaging and people. Taste is of course subjective, but I would definitely take cane sugar over high fructose corn syrup any day. However, is it only the difference in ingredients that makes us think of a 'homemade' coke? It probably has a lot more to do with the way the coco cola advertises its products outside the U.S. in the so called 'global south'. Coke represents something Western, something 'cool' and 'hip'. Although it is foreign, different regions have reappropriated it and given meaning and culture to it. I find this fascinating...that a corporate product can become a cultural icon for many people in different parts of the world!
ReplyDeleteI have to agree that Mexican coke is far better than American coke (in my opinion at least). That is why some many people where I am from in Mexico barely ever drink water (because of the taste, and because soda is actually cheaper). It is far cheaper to buy a family size bottle of coke for about 14 pesos, than to buy a small bottled water which will cost almost as much. I love going to Mexico because one can just forget about being "health conscious" for a while. The good thing is that they do a lot walking in Mexico, so that keeps(most of) them in shape.
ReplyDeleteI was in Spain last summer and all of my friends and I noticed that the Coca Cola tasted much better over there as well! We did some research and I found out they use pure cane sugar in their Coca Cola too. Why did we switch to high fructose corn syrup, because it's cheaper? Clearly the pure cane sugar tastes much better! I'm also interested in what Pooja commented on... I wonder how greatly the effect of advertising is for the product both in and outside of the US. Most of the Coca Cola ads in America appeal to sex, and depict scantily clad women holding a can of Coke (posted below) ... as if their presence makes the drink taste better! Clearly not, since it's pretty clear that to most people, Mexican Coca Cola tastes much better.
I was actually going to write an entire blog about this, but it's ok. I'm glad that someone actually thought of this idea. I sadly, happen to be very addicted to Coca-Cola. In my opinion, the Mexican Coke tastes by far the best. Of course the fact that they use real cane sugar does make a lot of difference. However, what I have found most interesting is that upon arriving at Berkeley, I went to the Golden Bear Cafe and I instantly recognized the bottle as a Mexican Coke. I went and paid for it, and then as I was walking out I noticed that the receipt actually showed 'Mexican Coke'. I saved the receipt and it's been hanging on my I am not exactly sure, I just found it interesting that the actual name was 'Mexican Coke'
ReplyDeleteThat's insane. I love Mexican coke! haha most of my friends think I'm weird for liking it but it just tastes so much better. I agree, if coke in America used real cane sugar, not only the drink taste better, but it would be natural. Isn't that the trend of America today anyways? Go Green?
ReplyDeleteI thought that it really interesting that Coke only produces the concentrate. That's really smart of them, because other countries an regulate theirs better. I know that in Europe they don't put aspartame in their diet cokes. It's not just a movement for them to change the ingredients to make it diet but they call it coke light.